Run Your Own Race.

Let’s face it…we all look.  

We check our alma mater’s ranking in the U.S. News & World Report, its movement up or down since the previous year and some of us even use the bragging rights to tease good friends at cocktail parties and dinner.

I don’t do that…I think.

But, this morning, as the publication released its annual ranking of the top colleges and universities,  I wanted to offer a quick reminder to high school seniors and their families beginning their application process.


As you are thinking about your options for higher education and build your list of applications, I encourage you to think about the “dream” experience versus the “dream” school.    What are your individual goals?  What would you like to explore when you graduate?  What type of learning environment best suits your needs, personality, and desires?  When you think or dream about your future, what comes to mind?  This is very personal and individual.

According to the National Center for Education Statistics, there are 3,982 degree-granting, post-secondary institutions in the U.S.  That means that there are a variety of wonderful options for young scholars. They may not align with your friends’ choices, and they may not be on the top of anyone’s list, but it could be the perfect choice for you.

To be ranked in the top is nice, but ultimately these lists and rankings shouldn’t drive your application process or decision making.

Best wishes on the journey.

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